
vrijdag 23 augustus 2013


A life-long love of France

My love of France dates back from the summer of 1974, when I, nine years old, went there for the very first time with my parents, my brother, a family of friends, two cars, two large -and as we soon found out: non-waterproof- tents and an unbelievable amount of luggage. Sure, I must have drive through France when I was taken to Spain as a five-year old, but that left no traces in my memory whatsoever.

The 1974 trip was very, very different indeed and it emblazoned France into my memory as a magical, wonderful place where people ate marvellous food and wandered around castles and cathedrals. So wonderful were those two weeks in the Loire valley, that ever since then, even the mention of the word France immediately conjures up happy thoughts, fragrances, tastes... and a deep yearning for this blessed five pointed star in the heart of Europe.

So why this blog? Mainly to serve as a repository for my many, many memories of France and the things I saw, experienced and thought there. But also, hopefully, as an antidote to all those people who do not share my love for this country because of a single bad experience, or because of some bizarre prejudice, or for whatever reason. Because I am convinced that France has something for absolutely everyone and anyone, and as such, is possibly unique in the world.

So come with me an explore this beautiful, versatile, cultured, proud, historic, gastronomic, fragrant, chic, cosy, alcoholic, sun-kissed, rain-soaked, mountainous, cosmopolitan, eternal country.

Bienvenue en France!

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